Desmond (Gabby Eigenmann) was very happy when he received the call that the heart for his mother, Aurora, is already ready. He then told at his mother to let her know of the good news. When he looked at her, he was very shocked when she was not breathing anymore. Desmond’s mother is already dead. Desmond could not accept it. He was crying and asking her mother why she left him. They were supposed to stay together. Meanwhile, Simeon (Neil Ryan Sese) is still wondering why the kidnapper asked for a heart instead of money. He was very sure that the kidnapper would use it to his loved one. He then remembered the woman that Nerissa visited. HE was wondering if it has a connection to the kidnapping of Jacob (Mark Anthony Fernandez). When Simeon arrived at the hospital room where he went last time, there were no persons already. The nurse then told them that the patient there already died. She just passed away. The nurse then told them that the body is already at the morgue. When Simeon went there, he saw Desmond crying over at the body of an old woman. Simeon was very mad. HE then went home to look for Nerissa. He was very angry that the man that Nerissa was actually dating was no other than Desmond. He punched Nerissa and was yelling at her. He was very annoyed of the fact that Nerissa was used by Desmond and Desmond was able to know everything of his actions. Nerissa begged at Simeon to forgive her. She did not know that the man was Desmond. But Simeon had already decided. He wanted her out of the house.
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