Big brother is talking to Tin inside the confession room wherein Tin admitted to big brother that she miss her family a lot. Tin shared to big brother that this coming christmas will be her first time being away from her family. Big brother then told Tin that she must not worry about her family because they are always there for her. Big brother then gave Tin a special task wherein she needs to translate the Pinoy Big Brother theme song to english. Later on, Big brother talked to Jericho, Roy, Tin and Divine who are the housemates who wants to give something to Biggel. Big brother gave a special task to Jericho, Divine, Tin and Roy wherein they must make a coconut oil from one hundred pieces of coconuts. The housemates needs to follow the correct process in making a coconut oil so that they are going to give Biggel's christmas gift. After awhile, big brother also talks to Biggel asking him what he wants for christmas. Big brother told Biggel that he can receive his christmas gift if he will be successful with the special task big brother is going to give him. Biggel needs to get the card boards containing english words and figure out the english lyrics of pinoy big brother's theme song. While biggel is doing his task already, the housemates - Tin, Divine, Roy and Jericho were also doing their task. Will the housemates be successful with their task so that Biggel will receive his christmas gift?
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