The housemates continued their special tasks to give Kigoy, Eting and Biggel their christmas gifts. Four housemates are tasked to become security guards and watch after Eting. These housemates are tasked to be security guards because big brother wants them to experience Eting's work. Yesterday morning, Kigoy and Biggel were very noisy teasing each other while some of the other housemates are still sleeping. Roy warned Kigoy and Biggel not to make loud noises because the other housemates are still sleeping. Kigoy and Biggel asked sorry to Roy but Roy kept talking about why he is letting them stop teasing with each other. Biggel was insulted by Roy and went inside the male's bedroom. Later on, big brother talks to Eting inside the confession room wherein big brother is giving Eting a challenge. Eting is challenged to sing for the housemates within ten hours in a small stage. The four security guard housemates were also given an additional task wherein they must spin the stage/flat form while Eting is performing. Eting sang a lot of songs including Visayan songs and the housemates supported his task. The other housemates who are not given a special task listened to Eting. Kigoy danced and sang along with Eting to boost up his energy. A couple of hours later, Eting's energy is still not diminished wherein he continued strumming his small guitar and sang. With this, will Eting and the security guard housemates be successful with their task? What will Eting receive from big brother as his christmas gift?
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