The Montereals are very happy of the result of the case of the Governor that is a friend of Jacob (mark Anthony Fernandez). Everyone was very happy of their celebration. Afterwards, someone knocked on the door. It was Claire (Ynez Veneracion) who opened the door. She was very surprised seeing that unexpected person at their doorstep. It was her husband, Desmond (Gabby Eigenmann). Claire asked him what he was doing there. She then told him to just go away for he is not welcome in the house. And he might only bring problem. Donya Ana (Gloria Romero) found out that it was Desmond who visited them. Donya Ana was very angry. She told him to go away. He is not welcome in their house. Desmond told them that he had changed already. And that he wanted to be part of the family again. Desmond asked for forgiveness. Aling marya (Luz Valdez) was doubtful of his actions. Meanwhile, Donya Ana then accepted his apologies. But after that, she told him that she could easily forgive but not forget. It is not that easy to forget because of the many lives that were affected of their wrongdoings. TJ (Kristoffer Martin) and their daughter (Joyce Ching) died. She could not easily trust again the person who wanted them all dead. She could not just easily let him enter their home. He would still have to do something to get their trust. Desmond became angry. He could not believe that he already cried in front of them and yet it was still not enough for his grandmother. He then told her that from the start she never believed in him. She never believed in his skills.
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