MMK (Stroller) December 24, 2011 Replay

Episode Title: Stroller
In this episode in MMK, this story is about a family that was ruined because of false accusations. Andres (Jimmy Santos) and his wife - Belen (Susan Africa) are happy living together with their children. One day, Andres and his first born son - Abel (Joseph Marco) are on their way to an Attorney's house. Andres is a physcial therapist wherein his son - Andres is his assistant. On their way to the Attorney's house, Abel's bicycle broke and he asked his father if he can't go with him. Andres told Abel that he needs him as his assistant and if they are not going to go, they are not going to have food during dinner. Abel then reminded his father - Andres that he is going to graduate that day but Andres just told him to go with him. Andres also told Abel that he still graduate even though he is not going to walk on the stage. That night, Abel came home with his mother - Belen who is very proud and happy for his success. Abel thanked his mother - Belen for letting him study and for loving him so much. Belen's father then came to visit them bringing some foods with him. When Andres already arrived, he too brought some food for his family. Abel's grandfather then asked Andres what are his plans for Abel's future. Andres then told Abel that he is not going to continue studying in college because he can not afford it anymore. Abel then asked his father - Andres what he is going to do if he is not going to continue studyin. Andres just told Abel that he is going to help him with his work - Physical therapist. Days passed, Andres and Belen are invited by Rita (Dang Cruz) to join the networking business. Later on, Abel's uncle - Nick came to check their family.

Watch MMK(Maalaala Mo Kaya) Dec. 17 episode replay below:




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