The housemates from both houses - Team Wayuk house and Team High Voltage house are going to diminished wherein the viewers will get a chance to chose who among them are deserving to stay inside the house. This episode also shows how the three housemates - Pamu, Steph and Kim served as housemaids at the Team high voltage's house. When the team high voltage housemates are already done visiting the team Wayuk housemates, big brother asked the three housemaids to go with them. Kim got so emotional with "Kulokoy's" decision because she don't want to be a housemaid. Reminiscing that Kulokoy partially replaced Big brother as the one who gives task to the housemates and Kim talks to Kulokoy inside the confession room. Kim told Kulokoy that she wants to go outside the house already by force eviction. Kulokoy told Kim that she is not allowed to force evict herself anymore since they were given a chance once already.
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