The Nominated housemates last night are Wendy, Carlo, Divine and Joya. After Ms. Toni Gonzaga (host) revealed the nominated housemates, all of the remaining housemates except for Wendy are shocked by the results. Wendy is not surprised to be nominated this week because as always, the other housemates didn't like most of her traits. On the other hand, the other housemates who are not nominated, they talked about how the nomination night went. Most of the girls specially Deneise talked about what happened during the nomination night. The housemates also talked about Ms. Toni Gonzaga's visit celebrating her birthday. Pamu and Jessica are very flattered when they saw Robi Dominggo (host) together with Bianca Gonzales (host). Yesterday before the nomination night, the top fourteen housemates were given a task/challenge by Big brother. The task is challenging the housemates creativity and group coordination.
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