Aling Marya (Luz Valdez) was very much tensed when she saw Desmond (Gabby Eigenmann) inside their premises. She then confronted Desmond for all his wrongdoings. Desmond acted as if he was innocent. He told them that he did not know anything. Donya Ana (Gloria Romero) then told him that they already knew that he was the one responsible for kidnapping Jennifer (Mona Lousie Rey). Desmond defended himself that he was just being used as an alibi by Donya Ingrid (Boots Anson- Roa). Donya Ana then told him that they have already talked with Simeon (Neil Ryan Sese). Desmond was tongue- tied. He did not know what to say. Donya Ana then slapped him very hard. Before Donya Ana left him, she told him that he is not real Montereal. Desmond was very concerned of what he heard. Aling Marya was left in front of him. Aling Marya then affirmed of what Desmond had heard. Aling Marya was forced to narrate to him where he really came from. When Desmond was still a kid, he was left in front of the gate of the Montereals. He was bringing letter that he was the son of Isidro Montereal and a certain woman. Donya Ana was very happy accepting him knowing that he is a Montereal. But days passed and a woman came to tell them that Desmond is not a real Montereal. He was trying to get her son back because she is going to sell him and make money out of him. His mother was a known drug user. She is willing to sell her son just to buy the drug she wants to use. Donya pitied the child. So, Donya Ana had decided to adopt the child. Donya Ana gave the woman a big amount of money for her to just leave her son to them. The woman accepted the money and left. They had no trace of the woman ever again. Desmond was broken into pieces when he had known about it. He was crying and was telling himself that he is just adopted that is why he was not given the right treatment. Desmond drank all night. He then realized that he wanted to know who his mother was. He called to ALing Marya and asked her the name of his mother. Aling Marya confided with Donya Ana. Donya Ana was the one who told him the complete name of his mother.
Watch more of today's episode Jan. 2 episode replay below:
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