Ellery Martinez (Carla Abellana) told her private assistant to bring her to the rooftop for she wanted to look at the places outside. When they were already at the rooftop, Ellery realized that she had not brought her mobile phone. She then instructed her assistant to get it. The assistant heeded to her request. Ellery was patiently waiting for her. She loved watching the view while waiting. After a few minutes, somebody was already at the back of Ellery. She was already pushing here towards the edge. Ellery was very surprised that the assistant came back very quickly. She praised her for her speed. But Ellery became tensed when the person pushing her wheel chair was already very fast. She knew there was something wrong. Indeed, the lady dressed like a nurse was planning to push her off the building. But Ellery was able to hold at the edge railings. All of the people outside the hospital building panicked. They immediately called the attention of the authorities for help. As Marissa (Shamaine Centenara) and Delfin (Ricky Davao) were going outside the hospital, they noticed the commotion. They have decided to check on what was it. Marissa saw a woman hanging on the edge of the railings. She was very much tensed. She then asked one of the rescuers if they had already made some interventions regarding the matter. Marissa felt sad for the lady even if she had not known that it was her daughter, Ellery. The assistant of Ellery was approaching her and was crying. The assistant told her that it was Ellery who was hanging on the railings. Marissa’s mood suddenly changed. She did not know what to do. Because of her panick, Marissa collapsed.
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