Nonoy Reyes/Julius Alvarez (Zaijan Jaranilla) rescued his friend - Edison (Louise Abuel) from his foster parents. Edison is very happy that his friend - Nonoy came to save him because they are planning to rescue baby Rafa too. Edison and Nonoy then went to check their friend - Tinay (Mutya Orquia) from her foster parents too. By the time Nonoy and Edison arrived at the house where Tinay lives, they talked to Tinay's foster father - Jerry (Lorenzo Mara). Edison and Nonoy then asked about Tinay because they want to inform her about baby Rafa. Jerry got scared that somebody is looking for Tinay since he is hurting Tinay already. Jerry lied to both Edison and Nonoy telling them that Tinay already went away. Edison and Nonoy knows that Tinay's foster father - Jerry lied to them because they saw it in his eyes. Edison and Nonoy then tried to figure out where Tinay is inside their house and found out that Tinay is at their Attic. Edison used his binocular microscope seeing Tinay alone inside their attic holding a star lantern. Tinay saw Edison and Nonoy outside their house and used the star lantern for them to see her. Edison and Nonoy then figured out how to save/rescue Tinay from her foster parents. Edison and Nonoy knows that Tinay's foster father doesn't like her because he lied to them. Edison and Nonoy lit a fire cracker right outside the house of Tinay to destruct Tinay's father - Jerry. Jerry together with his daughter - Stephanie (Mika Dela Cruz) and their security guard hurriedly went outside to check who lit some fire crackers outside the house. Edison and Nonoy then got their chance going inside the house and rescued Tinay.
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