This episode shows how the housemates celebrate Carlo's birthday. At morning, Carlo wakes up before the other housemates did wherein he did something crazy to them. Carlo is making fun on them wherein he puts powder on each housemate's face. When Wendy was already awake, she joins Carlo in making fun of the other housemate's faces. Later on, the housemates joined their breakfast together wherein they then greet Carlo on his birthday. The housemates are blaming Wendy as the one who made fun on them and not Carlo. Later on, Carlo is making Big brother hear his request wherein he wants to have a party on his special day. Big brother then talks to Carlo telling him that he can have a party during his birthday. Carlo together with the other housemates enjoyed a mini party inside the house and big brother is giving them a challenge. The housemates together with Carlo must celebrate the party for only twenty six minutes because Carlo is celebrating his twenty sixth birthday.
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